24/7 Remote Support

EFC Remote support is there whenever and wherever you need it
Aftermarket support is a key service element for EFC. We understand it is critical for our client’s long term success. Support must be available once CAPEX equipment is delivered & commissioned. EFC commits to stay present, accessible and available to support you, your teams and your operations.
Potential Product features include:
- Components that enable condition monitoring
- Redundant PLCs
Potential Service features include:
- Remote engineering support
- Warranty extension visits
- Health checks
- 3rd party gauge calibration
Engineering Support
Remote Support is a bespoke engineering service that integrates with EFC safety control and monitoring systems. This 24/7 service offer essential diagnostics or maintenance expertise as and when needed by onboard personnel, regardless of day of the week or time of day. This optimises efficiencies, safety and gives peace of mind to you and your company that top priority to EFC is the integrity and reliability of your systems. EFC team of Senior engineers are available to support these pre-agreed contracts, available on an annual or monthly basis.
Smart System Design: Condition Monitoring & Event Logging
As part of an original system design or built with future upgrade options in mind, both the EFC-CMS (Condition Monitoring) and Event Logging are strong additions to any safety critical system. This enhances onboard information via enhanced diagnostic tools, improved test recording, incident analysis, training material. These bolt-on system options can also have signal provided to rig communication system to enable back to shore transmission.
Duty Manager | EFC oncall system plans for telephone access to be available 24 hours per day 7 days per week |
Visas | EFC Logistic team works regularly with client visa teams to ensure smooth process where possible dedicated engineer visas are implemented for long term support |
Secure | Client can enable or disable remote log-in at their discretion |
Remote log in | In time it takes to book a flight for mobilisation it is possible to have commenced system diagnostics |
Interested in 24/7 Remote Support?
Make sure you highlight your interest in 24/7 remote support or Condition monitoring at time of system design to ensure modular upgrades are available at a later date
Call us